
Kamis, 05 April 2012

gak tau dekhhh

APRIL 3, 2012
The 2nd teaser from Justin’s Boyfriend music video. #BOYFRIENDonITUNES
Ashton Kutcher ended up buying the Hollywood Hills mansion that Justin Bieber eyed, reports nyDailynews.com
Kutcher ended up buying the home he was renting for $50,000 a month following his December split from Demi Moore, according to a source at Realtor.com.
While Kutcher’s purchase price has not been disclosed, it was earlier reported that Justin Bieber was considering paying about $10 million for the property as a gift to himself for his 18th birthday. The only problem? Kutcher was still living there — and had his eye on it himself.
During interview with Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kutcher said:
“I get a text from this guy [Justin] and he’s in my house! He’s like, “Yo, I’m in your house right now…” He’s like, “Don’t pay anymore than $9.5 (million) for it…”. I thought he [Justin] was gonna buy the house from under me and I’m like, “I don’t wanna lose this house.”
The home was completed in 2007 and has great views of Lake Hollywood. [click to continue…]
Justin’s new video.
“join me?? haha. #FONDUE #BOYFRIENDonITUNES”
Justin Bieber talks about Mom’s birthday, BOYFRIEND, #OperationUnfollowGaga, New $6Million mansion, favorite junkfood (Doritos), getting slimed at KCAs, definition of SWAG, his hardest decision to make, Punk’d, new movie with Mark Wahlberg,  Cadillac BATmobile and more.

Read more: Justin Bieber FanSite //Latest News, Pictures, Lyrics, Music Videos, New Songs, Tickets 2012 — Page 4 http://www.justinbieberzone.com/#ixzz1rEuSBUXe

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